Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Electric Torture Device Would Jesus Be Horrifed To Come Back?

Would jesus be horrifed to come back? - electric torture device

see and to bear all the crosses around their necks? I remember someone said that when he died 50 years ago, everyone would with little electric chairs. I mean that the device was used to torture and kill him! this is like the last thing you want to see everywhere, above all. and it was not something special to Jesus, a common method of execution. I know people who say that a symbol of their sacrifice, but it's something else that could be used as a symbol, not an instrument of torture morbid


Eclectic Heretic said...

I think it is right here. The first symbol of Christianity was the fish, and it took at least until 1 Century, if I'm not mistaken. Not to know when and why the cross came into fashion.

erwyllia... said...

Someone has already suggested that the fish would be a better symbol. The fact is that the fish is indeed the symbol of Christianity was. Early Christians were horrified by the cross and refused. When you the opportunity to travel to Rome, the Middle East - the sites of ancient peoples, where Christians live, we see the fish, drawn or engraved. The driving force was, "Follow me and I will make you human."

The cross is not in fashion for centuries to come. Until then, Christianity is a faith of the martyrs - people who died was in a terrible state in Rome. This experience has polluted the minds of Christians and with the 4th Century, when Constantine took "the cross, the symbol was much more popular.

cup of tea said...

Never thought this way, like the image of Jesus on the cross, where his eyes follow. I like something nice and bright and gay, does not show the life and death. I agree with you. I would think I need to answer the question, yes, I think it would be vary happy at all, and when she came, and satisfy the money-changers in the temple, he became angry, imagine how he will respond today with everything below happened.

lowball said...

When I come back, now U.S. seriously Butt Kicking. Above all, the TV evangelists and right wing crazies, that the socialist evil mouth, for after all he was a socialist and a social worker. Hey! Was not the president of a community organizer? That would be a marriage of the mind. Vale those who do not return, the United States.

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